Everything You Need To Know About Vape Charging

Vape devices have become popular as a smoking cessation tool on account of their heat not burn technology. This safer method of nicotine inhalation might not have hit the mainstream until the noughties, but it’s been in the works since the 1960s’. It’s just as well though, the mid-20th-century version of the e-cigarette would have been rather temperamental! Thanks to technological innovation, the e-cigarette is now safe and easy to use and has many safety features in place to ensure that it is not only safer to inhale, but runs far less risk of causing a fire than it’s tobacco-based predecessor. 

However, the e-cigarette runs on a battery and so there are a few precautions that you must take heed of to ensure you’re using it safely. Electrical fires and vape explosions are not uncommon, and there are a great many ways that you can lower the chances of an IQOS starter kit burn out or a JUUL malfunction. This blog will outline the various ways you can keep your vape device safe and healthily functioning. 

Internal vs External Batteries

Internal vs External Batteries

Depending on the vape device, you’ll either be working with an internal or external battery. Internal batteries are most commonly found on lower-powered vape devices such as the pod mod and the vape pen. These devices usually have a heavier focus on flavour and nicotine and mimic the sensations of smoking tobacco through subtler, smaller clouds of vaping. Internal batteries are charged by an electronic power adapter, often with a micro USB connection.

External batteries are mainly for higher-powered devices and rebuildable mods. Rebuildable mods allow varying levels of customisation to your voice, including the battery you use. The most common vape battery is the 18650 size one, and it’s advised that you buy rechargeable batteries to minimise waste. 

Buy Reputable Batteries And Charging Kits

Whether you own a rebuildable mod or an internal battery-powered device, always make sure that you buy a charging kit that is trustworthy and user-tested. If you’re buying a new cable or battery online, check out the user reviews before purchasing. Faulty batteries and cables can damage the device itself.

Don’t Mix And Match Charging Cables

This point is specifically for those devices that have an internal battery. Even if a different charging cable fits, it might be reliant on higher or lower wattage to what your device can handle. To avoid overcharging or even frying your vape device’s circuit, try and stick to the branded charging kits that it comes with. 

The Effects Of Weather

Weather can have a dramatic effect on how long your vape device can run on its battery for. Hot weather might overheat the battery and cold weather can negatively affect the lithium inside the battery.

Don’t Leave A Charging Device Unattended

Whilst you won’t have to watch over it for six hours, keeping a casual eye on your device as it charges is important, not only for vape devices but other battery-run accessories as well. Electrical devices can overcharge, explode or cause an electrical fire if not checked upon.

Vaping Current And Charging 

Make sure that you don’t charge your vape device with a kit that isn’t fitted for it’s current. Most devices and charging kits will detail the advised current that it works at somewhere on its body.