Relief Duration: How Long Does CBD Last in the Body?

Once consumed, cannabidiol likes to make its home in the body’s fat cells, meaning it could, in theory, stay there for days or even weeks, ready to be detected by a blood test. But does do that, in reality?

Well, when it comes to cannabidiol (CBD) oil, it’s difficult to find definitive data on this issue, mostly because there’s simply not much of a call for testing for CBD. That’s to say, there aren’t many employers for whom testing their (prospective) employees’ for consumption of a non-intoxicating chemical, primarily used for treating pain and anxiety, is much of a priority.

The efficacy of CBD in the body

It’s easy to overlook it, when addressing how long cannabidiol might affect the body and how effective testing may be to detect this, but frankly, your body needs to absorb a large-ish amount of CBD, really, for it to actually have any effect on the body. This is especially true for ingesting CBD. When you swallow edible cannabidiol, it inevitably has to pass through the digestive system before it can reach the bloodstream, which means it has to pass through the liver – and that ensures up to 95 percent of the ingested CBD won’t reach your bloodstream. Yes, it’s true; it won’t.

The advantage of vaping CBD, then (via a device similar to IQOS Heets online), is that this CBD makes it to the bloodstream faster because it’s the chemical’s highest bioavailable form (bioavailability of a consumable chemical refers to how much of it can absorbed and so reaches the bloodstream). Therefore, as inhaled CBD reaches the brain much more rapidly, users are more likely to feel an instant and more pronounced effect (i.e. relief from symptoms) than by ingesting edible CBD.

In terms of the duration of these positive effects from consuming CBD, though, the likelihood is, like or not, they’ll wear off in no more than a few hours. Yet that also, of course, depends on factors including the amount of CBD consumed, the CBD type and your body’s shape, size and metabolism.

How long could CBD be detected in your body?

So, the good work CBD does can wear off between inhalations or ingestions pretty quickly, but does that correlate with how long it can be detected in your body? Roughly speaking, yes; because it appears cannabidiol can’t be traced in the body very long. Indeed, research has found that, among study subjects each given around 700 mg of CBD every day for six weeks, the CBD in their plasma level dropped to a weekly average of only 1.5 ng/ mL following the final dose – before it became totally undetectable.

Further research suggests that orally-taken CBD is likely to have exited the body after 11-28 days following ingestion. Moreover, when it comes to vaped CBD (vaped with reliable equipment, of course, such as the likes of an IQOS AC power adapter), its presence in blood plasma looks to be even shorter – no more than a few hours, in fact. Plus, although research for it is sketchy, detecting CBD in urine is probably only possible for up to 24 hours after its inhalation/ ingestion.

In any case, as mentioned above, when it comes to testing, CBD users can mostly rest easy – CBD’s very rarely included in standard drug tests, especially those conducted by employers for specific jobs.