Should You Vape CBD if You’re Not A Vaper?

Vaping is one of the most popular forms of smoking cessation out there. With countless flavours, devices and accessories to explore, the wide world of vaping has helped many smokers kick the habit for good. Satisfying, in part due to its similarities to smoking, vaping has far surpassed other tools such as nicotine gum and patches and has led to millions of vapers across the UK.

Its success has led to other industries utilising the vaping method for its products. CBD is a burgeoning new industry in the UK that has only become legal relatively recently. CBD has many methods of use, but vaping has become one of the most popular. The problem is, the uses for CBD often extend past the vaping community, and so those who are prescribed or casually benefit from cannabidiol’s anti-anxiety and symptom relief qualities might begin vaping it. The question is, are there other equally effective methods of ingesting CBD, and is vaping it a danger to those who weren’t using e-cigs beforehand?

CBD – A Breakdown

CBD is a derivative of the marijuana plant and unlike it’s prohibited sibling THC, has no hallucinogenic or psychoactive effects. CBD or cannabidiol works as a neurotransmitter to release chemicals into your body that promote anti-inflammation for injuries and muscle or bone conditions, as well as relaxant qualities that can relieve the symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia and other mental health issues.

How To Vape CBD

Vapable CBD can often be found in a vape liquid form, much like nicotine vape liquids. You can also buy loose-leaf CBD that is prime for use on a dry herb vaporiser. Both of these forms of CBD utilise heat not burn technology which makes them far safer to inhale than smoking them. 

Weighing Up The Risks Of Vaping CBD

There are many other forms of CBD out there, including CBD edibles UK, tinctures and creams for topical use. But if you haven’t vaped before and would like to try CBD through this method, should you start now?


Some people worry that vaping CBD may be a gateway to using nicotine products which can be addictive. Very few pre-made CBD vape liquids or CBD loose-leaf materials blend their product with nicotine. The crux of the matter is that CBD and nicotine pander to different markets entirely.

Not 100% Safe

That being said, nicotine vape liquids were designed to be a smoking cessation tool, and inhaling vapour is not 100 percent safe. Though there are few health problems associated with safe vaping, vaping CBD on a burnt coil could release toxins from the metals in your device. Side effects of vaping can also include a dry mouth and if you have lung problems, are pregnant or suffer from heart conditions, it’s advised that you don’t vape at all. 

Efficient Delivery

Loose leaf and CBD vape juice UK are probably the most efficient way to ingest cannabidiol. The chemicals in the vapour reach your bloodstream through the blood vessels in your lungs and gums, as opposed to through your digestive system as edibles do, or through absorption into your skin like topical creams. 

You’ll Have To Invest

If you don’t already own vaping accessories, it’s worth pointing out that you will have to buy your own vape kit. These can be inexpensive, but for dry herb vape devices such as the PAX vaporiser, could cost between £100 and £200. If you can’t afford to vape CBD, then try one of the many alternatives out there.