Too Much of a Good Thing: Can You Overdose on CBD?

For those, whose consumption of cannabidiol (CBD) to help relieve symptoms of the likes of chronic pain, anxiety and depression, getting their daily dosage of the chemical is all-important to their everyday lives. Yet, exactly what that dosage is – and keeping an eye on not exceeding it – is significant.

For instance, it’s not advisable to exceed how much you can feasibly consume of CBD – but how much is that and what happens if you do…?

Is it possible to overdose on CBD?

At a conference about medical cannabis, held in 2016, the Americans for Safe Access organisation commented that there’s “never been a single well-documented case of human fatality attributable to an overdose of cannabis or its components, and no experimental or non-extrapolated LD50 [lethal dose] can be attributed to a toxic or lethal overdose”.

So, even if you feel you really have overdone it with a session’s- or day’s-worth consumption of CBD, be reassured that research proves there’s very little toxicity in the chemical. One study, for instance, projected that, to experience an overdose, someone would have to consume hundreds of times the usual daily amount of CBD they’d likely consume (around 30mg) – and consume that enormous dosage in a very short period, at that.

The significance of lab tests

Lab tests are important because of what they prove – specifically, that CBD consumables are properly safe. To be more precise, they make clear what is, in CBD consumables, the exact cannabinoid content, THC volume, residual solvent levels and contaminant amounts.

The advice here, then, is to try to be aware whether or not the products you’re buying have been verified via lab tests and have manufactured in a credible, reliable laboratory. The details you can check for this should date back no more than nine months prior to purchase.

You shouldn’t worry finding these details, though; they shouldn’t be hard to find on the consumables’ packaging – you’ll want to check for terminology like ‘Max Active CBD’ and ‘Max Active THC’ for CBD and THC levels.

Can you consume CBD if you don’t vape?

If you’re not a vaper and need that CBD-delivered relief, then, yes, vaping’s far from your only option – although it may well be the simplest, easiest and, frankly, best way to consume cannabidiol. So, what are the alternatives? Well, we’re talking, here, the likes of CBD gummies, capsules, patches, isolate powder and even drink mixes.

On reading that list, you may be wondering what CBD isolate powder is. Technically, it should be referred to as CBD isolate powder crystals; they give users the opportunity to consume CBD in a very pure, bioavailable form, as they usually feature 99% CBD volume and can be dissolved in butter oil to help make CBD-infused butter, which can be used as a spread on all sorts of different foods.

To be clear, too, vaping CBD doesn’t have to mean just vaping e-liquid that features CBD (although this option tends to be the most popular among CBD-vape enthusiasts). It’s also more than possible to vape different CBD concentrates and, especially, CBD flowers UK.

Your best bet, then, is to check out all the options open to you, consider what may be the best fit and then, well, dip your toe in and find out what does suit you best. If you find that vaping CBD-infused e-juice isn’t to your taste, then you can try vaping buds/ flowers instead; or if that doesn’t work for you, you can always try edibles. To date, you can’t get CBD-featuring oysters, but nonetheless, the CBD-consuming-world is definitely your oyster!