What Should You Find in Your Vape Store?

Just like any good store, you want to make sure that you can get all your vaping needs in one place. And you need that place to be reputable, have good customer service and pretty much be the best darn vape store in London. Once you’ve got that, you’ll never have to worry about running out of e liquid, top up Juul pods, or any other accessories.

Why just one place?

The simple answer to this is because of ease. But of course there is a bit more to it then that. By shopping at just one place you’ll be able to get all the equipment and e liquids etc. that you need. Which is the easy part of it. But if you’ve got a great place to shop at and go solely to them, it’s highly likely that you’ll create a relationship with them, much like we do with our customers here. That means you can start to expect special discounts arriving in your inbox and when you get in touch with a query, they’ll get back to you as soon as they can to help you out. If they don’t, they’re not doing business properly. Thankfully, great customer service is something that our customers are impressed with.

Are they available in person too?

An odd question but one that’s certainly useful. Not everybody shops online. Some people like to visit stores and sometimes it’s nice to have a physical presence for an online store. That way, you can speak to someone in real life, rather than over email, live chat or over the phone. Going to the store is also useful as you can see demonstrations of products and even try some out for free!

What should you expect to find?

Another easy answer to that would be to say ‘everything’ but again that does really stand. Providing your vape store is available both online and on land, you need to be able to get hold of whatever you need. If it’s a product that they don’t have in, they should be able to order it in for you. If it’s a range of different e liquid flavours, there should be plenty for you to explore. Maybe you want to get started with vaping and you need a good starter kit, like the Juul Slate device kit? Then they need to have that available for you. It should also be easy to browse the store, again online and in store – nobody likes it when it’s tough to look around. A clear website that’s easy to navigate and friendly staff in store to help goes down a treat.

We pride ourselves on having a variety of items. That includes big brand vaping systems such as Juul, Pax and the IQOS to disposable pens. We also have a wide variety of vape juices and also have a huge selection of different CBD products, from gummies to oils to e liquids. And if we don’t have what you’re looking for, just ask us.